Friday 15 June 2012

Who Cares about Tax?

I tried my best using smaller shelves and racks, so I didn't overstock too much. I complained about how Auto Stock system was not perfect, talked about how to avoid 3M tax. HOWEVER, I don't need to worry about this anymore.

We've got a solution. :D :D :D :D :D

What we need to do is to earn heaps more so tax money wouldn't matter.

What we need to do is
  1. Have two staff with 1700+ speed combined on the same level
  2. Leave one Large Register only in the shop ( get rid of other registers )
  3. Change Menu > Shop > Shop Policies > Price Setting to Price Increased: 20%
  4. Change Menu > Shop > Shop Policies > Staff Policy > Register to High

Have two staff with 1700+ speed combined

Just any combination that's greater than 1700 Speed.

Example 1
Staff A : Speed 800
Staff B : Speed 900

Example 2 - if you prefer having 3 staff working on the same level
Staff C : Speed 999
Staff D : Speed 850
Staff E : Speed 870

Leave one Large Register only in the shop

I found 2 speedy staff with 1 Large Register fast enough to serve the whole shop. 

Price Setting > Price Increased: 20%

Believe or not, customers are happy with the increase if they are happy with the register.

Staff Policy > Register to High

This is to make sure there are always 2 staff at the Large Register, otherwise you don't get the bonus.

Let's see how well it went.

I tried this setup during Month 3, 4, and 5. The income went all the way up. Month 6, and 7 I swapped someone with lower Speed in just to compare. Month 8, 9, 10 swapped them back again but Miss Wood was kindly helping other customers at the Service Desk so the income went down a bit. ( probably should remove that service desk )

I was very happy with the outcome.

Here's another picture to show what happened when you have this set up.

Every customer served by two speedy staff at the Large Register gives Bonus.

So from now on, we don't need to worry about tax in 3M and we can have a different way to set up the shop.  :D



  • You might want to think about changing the Price back to Normal or even cheaper later on to attract more customers. That way you get the rapport faster.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 2 speedy staffs in the whole shop? Or 2 speedy staffs on the same level?
